rosweldrmr wrote in naruto_choice Jun 11, 2007 11:08
author: blackrose113, cat: best one-shot: main: 2007, title: just this once, cat: best crack pairing: main: 2007, cat: angst: main: 2007, cat: most original: main: 2007, romance: main: 2007
shafted_artist wrote in naruto_choice Jun 07, 2007 16:24
title: by his side, cat: best surprise: main: 2007, cat: angst: main: 2007, author: mylilchickadee, cat: drama: main: 2007
shafted_artist wrote in naruto_choice Jun 05, 2007 01:19
cat: best surprise: main: 2007, author: ayatsuji, author: kuroikisei, cat: best ending: main: 2007, cat: angst: main: 2007, cat: character portrayal: main: 2007, the world
rosweldrmr wrote in naruto_choice Jun 04, 2007 14:01
title: fireworks and lightning, cat: best crack pairing: main: 2007, cat: angst: main: 2007, author: rosweldrmr, author: winter ashby
rosweldrmr wrote in naruto_choice Jun 04, 2007 10:41
title: honesty, cat: best ending: main: 2007, cat: angst: main: 2007, author: rosweldrmr, author: winter ashby
rosweldrmr wrote in naruto_choice May 30, 2007 13:54
cat: best one-shot: main: 2007, cat: best ending: main: 2007, cat: best crack pairing: main: 2007, author: findingbliss, cat: angst: main: 2007, three am, romance: main: 2007, title: after the war
rosweldrmr wrote in naruto_choice May 30, 2007 09:07
cat: best one-shot: main: 2007, cat: best crack pairing: main: 2007, title: cry for me, cat: drama: main: 2007, cat: angst: main: 2007, cat: most original: main: 2007, author: darkseductress, author: darkemptyheart
rosweldrmr wrote in naruto_choice May 29, 2007 12:12
cat: best one-shot: main: 2007, cat: best crack pairing: main: 2007, cat: angst: main: 2007, cat: most original: main: 2007, romance: main: 2007, sintari, proxies
rosweldrmr wrote in naruto_choice May 29, 2007 11:57
incandescence wrote in naruto_choice May 07, 2007 19:00
cat: best one-shot: main: 2007, title: after effect, cat: angst: main: 2007, cat: most original: main: 2007, riza